Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grade 9 IGCSE Gallery trip to 8Q Singapore Art Museum

The grade 9's went to the 'This is not a Print' exhibition as part of their Print and Pattern project. They observed all the different types of print making by some of the best known print makers such as David Hockney, Roy Lichtenstein and Jasper Johns. The students then made their own observations by drawing and reflecting on their favourite exhibits. This was a vital part of their analysis in the project. The prints were all very varied and it was interesting to see how the medium can be manipulated into many forms such as three dimensional sculpture. I hope that this will enable the students to diversify their designs and push the boundries of the media. I look forward to seeing how their own printmaking develops. They are currently working on a reduction lino print.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

IB- sculpture maquettes for singapore Sculpture Competition.

Grade 11 IB students are entering a competition to design a sculpture for the new development in Bishan Park with the theme 'Reconection'. They explored how to show that man can reconnect to nature and explored sculpture techniques and the interactivity of Sculpture and created a Maquette of their design.

IGCSE- Identity boxes

Grade 9 IGCSE Art students created three dimensional boxes showing aspects of their identity and personalities. They had the challenge of using a variety of materials and their imagination and were inspired by the Artist Joseph Cornel.

Celestine Cai

Nicholas Koh

Sarah Yim

Ameline Sim

Lynnette Koh

Leah Choo

Sharmene Sugumar

Rachel Chua

Bernadette Soon

Nicole Chong